Our Chicago based executive recruitment consultants offer customized professional search service options to better suit your degree of recruitment needs. It is important that you understand these types of options so that you can better determine which level of service is suitable for your given search assignment.
Contact our Chicago based professional search and executive recruitment consultants today to learn more about what Ingenium Partners can do for your business. We offer direct hiring services in Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, and throughout the US.
With this option, by definition, Ingenium Partners LLC will only collect a fee if we place a qualified candidate for your open position. Occasionally, multiple firms are engaged during this type of professional search in Chicago and surrounding areas, although this may not always be the case. Fee rates and guarantee periods are traditionally less than retained or container search engagements.
There are many reasons why engaging in an interim solution may be the best way to address your staffing need. Some of the more common causes include a sudden departure of a key team member, the need to enlist the expertise of a professional not currently in your team’s talent arsenal, or the ability to get additional qualified help to address an overflow of workload which has drained your current resources. Engaging in an interim solution to take on these challenges is often the answer without the need to commit to a long-term permanent hire.