Whether it be supply chain disruption, the inability to maximize automation, labor shortages and the need for reshoring, or capacity constraints, just to name a few, Ingenium Partners experts help provide you with the manufacturing and distribution talent to face those challenges head-on.
We understand many of the challenges that face today’s leaders that occupy the consumer goods arena whether they operate globally, regionally or even locally. Changing consumer habits, supply chain disruption, new competition and price and margin sensitivity are always on the mind of leading CPG executives.
Maximizing the overall customer experience through digital and onsite methods, attracting and rewarding customer brand loyalty, employing modern marketing strategies, avoiding digital disruption, and attracting and retaining key talent headline a few of the greatest barriers found in today’s retail companies in Chicago and throughout the US.
Increased competition, remote and hybrid team management, resource utilization, and customer acquisition cost modeling are only a few of the key challenges at the forefront of challenges for professional service firms.
Pricing elasticity, hiring and retaining key employees, optimization of technology to maximize the customer experience, and cost containment through sustainability seem to be some of the key issues that our Chicago area hospitality clients are currently facing.
Space utilization through downsizing, shortages of labor talent, costs of modernization through technology, and the increase in popularity of coworking arrangements have all challenged the way Chicago real estate firms hire and are trying to stay ahead of the recruitment hiring curve.